Honorary Visiting Fellow
Global Diet and Physical Activity Research Group
Current work and interests
Gabriel is a Prince of Wales Junior Research Fellow at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), who is working with Dr Tolullah Oni and other members of the Global Diet and Physical Activity Research Group to explore the application of transdisciplinary research methods to address air pollution as a risk factor of respiratory health in Kampala and Jinja cities, Uganda. The research aims to address non-communicable diseases (NCDs) risk by focusing on air quality in the context of urban settings in low-and middle-income countries. He is also involved in some of the on-going GDAR work packages.
Gabriel’s current research interests focus on the interconnectivity between environmental health and disease with a view to helping foster healthier and safer communities. He has a wider ambition to raise public awareness of air pollution exposure and engage stakeholders across African cities to address the air pollution problem using evidence-based policies and programmes. Gabriel is also interested in increasing capacity around the use of air pollution information in healthcare to help manage patients with respiratory disease and multimorbidity.