Senior Investigator Scientist
Behavioural Epidemiology and Interventions in Young People and Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR)
Left the Unit in 2020
- PhD Physical Activity Epidemiology – University of Cambridge and MRC Epidemiology Unit
- MPhil Biological Anthropological Science – Trinity College, University of Cambridge
- MA (Hons) Biological Anthropology – Trinity College, University of Cambridge
Background and experience
After completing a PhD in physical activity measurement in young people at the MRC Epidemiology Unit, Kirsten’s research predominantly focused on investigating determinants of change in physical activity in children and adolescents. A lot of this work involved the SPEEDY and ROOTS studies. Kirsten has also worked within the Institute of Behavioural and Community Health and Active Living Research at San Diego State University, California on the design, implementation and evaluation of a multi-component obesity prevention and control intervention (Project MOVE) in children and their families.
Work and interests
Kirsten was a senior member of the Behavioural Epidemiology and Interventions in Young People programme. She left the Unit in spring 2020.
Her research focused on examining physical activity and other health behaviors in adolescence and young adulthood and investigating how these behaviours relate to short term outcomes including body weight, mental health and academic achievement. Kirsten used both quantitative and qualitative techniques to explore the context of behavior and health among adolescents and young adults. Kirsten directly used this observational work in the development, implementation, evaluation and process evaluation of health promotion strategies for young people. Kirsten was the Principal Investigator of the GoActive intervention, a peer-led physical activity promotion intervention based in secondary schools. Kirsten also lead the FAIA project (Following adolescents into adulthood) which includes qualitative work exploring the participation of young adults in research and a suite of reviews examining change of behavior and health over life events in early adulthood, including the transition to parenthood.
Selected publications
- Jong, S, Croxson, C, Guell, C, Lawlor, E, C, Foubsiter, C, Brown, H, Wells, E, Wilkinson, P, Vignoles, A, van Sluijs, E, Corder, K Adolescents’ perspectives on a school-based physical activity intervention: A mixed method study. Journal of Sport and Health Science [Epub ahead of print] 2019
- Brown, H, Whittle, F, Jong, S, Croxson, C, Sharp, S, Wilkinson, P, Wilson, E, van Sluijs, E, Vignoles, A, Corder, K. A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the GoActive intervention to increase physical activity among adolescents aged 13-14 years. BMJ Open. 2017 Sep 27;7(9):e014419.
- Corder K, Winpenny E, Love R, Brown HE, White M, van Sluijs EMF. Change in physical activity from adolescence to early adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies. Br J Sports Med. 2017 Jul 24. pii: bjsports-2016-097330
- Corder, K, H Brown, A Schiff, E van Sluijs. Feasibility study and pilot cluster randomised trial of the GoActive Intervention aiming to promote physical activity among adolescents: outcomes and lessons learnt. BMJ Open. 2016 Nov 11;6(11):e012335.
- Corder K, Atkin A, Bamber D, Brage S, Dunn V, Ekelund U, Owens M, van Sluijs EMF, Goodyer I. Revising on the run or studying on the sofa: Prospective associations between physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and exam results in British adolescents. IJBNPA 2015 12:106
- Corder K, Sharp SJ, Griffin S, Jones AP, Ekelund U, van Sluijs EMF. Change in objectively measured physical activity during the transition to adolescence: targets for intervention. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Apr 9. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-093190.
- Corder K, van Sluijs EMF, Ridgway C, Steele R, Stephen A, Bamber D, Dunn VJ, Goodyer I, Ekelund, U. Breakfast consumption and physical activity in adolescents: daily associations and hourly patterns. Am J Clin Nutr 2014 Feb;99(2):361-8.
- Toseeb U, Brage S, Corder K, Dunn VJ, Jones P, Owens M, St. Clair M, van Sluijs EMF, Goodyer I. Exercise and depressive symptoms in adolescents: a longitudinal cohort study. JAMA Pediatr. 2014 Dec;168(12):1093-100.
- Corder K, van Sluijs EMF, Wright A, Whincup P, Wareham NJ, Ekelund U. Is it possible to assess free-living PA and energy expenditure in young people by self-report? Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;89(3):862-70.
- Corder K, Ekelund U, Steele R, Wareham NJ, Brage S. Assessment of physical activity in youth. J Appl Physiol. 2008;105(3):977-87.
Grants and projects
- Corder, K (Lead Applicant), van Sluijs, E , Croxson, C, Vignoles, A, Wilkinson, P, Wilson, E. A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the GoActive programme to increase physical activity among 13-14 year-old adolescents. National Institute for Health Research Public Health Research Programme (NIHR PHR 13/90/18) Sept 2015 – Feb 2020
- Corder, K (Lead Applicant), Hofmann, R, van Sluijs, E. School based health promotion: understanding the educational context to facilitate change (PhD studentship). (With, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.) ESRC-DTP. Oct 2019 – Sept 2022.
- Corder, K (Lead Applicant) Data preparation research assistant. University of Cambridge Returning Carers Scheme Round 12, Sept 2019 – Oct 2019.
- Corder, K (Lead Applicant) Following Adolescents into Adulthood (FAIA) University of Cambridge Returning Carers Scheme Round 11, Sept 2018 – March 2019.
- van Sluijs, E, Corder, K (Co-Applicant), Atkin, A, Suhrcke, M, Turner, D. Opportunities within the school environment to shift the distribution of activity intensity in adolescents. Department of Health Policy Research Programme. Dec 2013 – Nov 2016
- Corder, K (Lead Applicant) Conference travel. University of Cambridge Returning Carers Scheme Round 6, June 2016.
- Corder, K (Lead Applicant). CEDAR pump priming fund for GoActive intervention development and pilot evaluation. Jan 2013 – Dec 2013