Dear SWiM-C participant,
We hope this finds you well.
We wanted to thank you for taking part in the SWiM-C study; because of your involvement we will be able to find out if the SWiM programme helps people in their weight management journey.
We have now completed the 12 month follow-up of the study and would like to thank everyone who completed a 12 month follow-up questionnaire. Your responses will help us to see if the study and the intervention helped beyond the difficult period of lockdown last year. We are busy processing all of the results and hope to be able to share these with you in early 2022. Keep an eye out for our newsletter next year with study updates including results!
We hope that the SWiM-C study has helped towards managing your weight, and supporting good physical and mental health during the pandemic.
If your contact details have changed at all, please do let us know so that we can update our records and keep you updated on the study. You can contact us at: or call us on 01223 613420.
Best wishes,
The SWiM-C study team